What makes Renegade interesting?
- Our building is the family home of the first mayor of Barrie, Robert Simpson, built in 1874.
- After Julie and Craig reviewed their business plan with a friend and colleague, he said, “You are digital renegades.” The company name was born.
- Craig and Julie were classmates long before they were business partners. In 1990, they worked together on a mini-documentary for a school project. Julie was responsible for the content and Craig was responsible for the creative and technical execution.
- They won an award for that project and realized that their skillsets complement each other. Thirty years later, it’s still working!
- Renegade’s first office space was in the basement of Craig and Julie’s family home, until their daughters needed to expand their toy room and Renegade was evicted.
- Our Lead Designer was hired after a spontaneous interview held in the Menswear Department at Old Navy.

What makes dragonflies interesting?
- Dragonflies are ancient insects, existing long before dinosaurs roamed the Earth.
- Dragonflies have nearly 360° vision.
- Dragonflies can intercept prey mid-air.
- Dragonflies can fly forward at a speed of 100 body lengths per second (up to 30 miles per hour).
- There are more than 5,000 species of dragonflies in the world.
- When dragonfly larvae hatch, they live underwater for up to two years.